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The MVP66 takes advantage of the rich legacy of the KT-66 power tube, and delivers massive tones. From punchy cleans at lower gain settings all the way to huge powerful crunch when the gain is dimed out your tone will always be big. The secret to the MVP66’s great sound is its big clear midrange tones which are dialed in to always sit perfectly in the mix.


This capture is of the amp head into a custom 4x12 cab with a Celestion “Creamback” model H mic'd with a Shure SM7b into a 1073 preamp, and a Celestion Vintage 30 mic’d with a SE VR1, blended together. Direct capture of the amp without speaker cab are also included.

Morgan MVP 66 Capture Pack Tone X

  • My HB settings were made with Input Trim 0, and SC with +10. You will need to adjust for your own guitars.

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